Download the following libraries into a folder of your system:
Apache XML-RPC
Apache Jakarta Commons
Since the server at baco computer uses an older version, if you are planing on accessing it server, you should download this version of SDAS Core Libraries and Client:
SDAS Core Libraries
SDAS Client
If you are using a different server, download these instead:
SDAS Core Libraries
SDAS Client
These example assume that you have saved all the jar files in the folder /home/user/sdas/
javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/SDAS.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/SDASClient.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/commons-codec-1.3.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/xmlrpc-2.0.jar")
Beware that on Windows you must use / instead of the regular \. If you have saved all the jar files in the folder C:\sdas\, for example:
javaaddpath("C:/sdas/SDAS.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/SDASClient.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/commons-codec-1.3.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/xmlrpc-2.0.jar")
client = javaObject("org.sdas.core.client.SDASClient", "baco.ipfn.ist.utl.pt", 8888);
found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('S'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('SHOTS'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('SHOT', 'en'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByUniqueID('0x0000SHOT', 'en'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByDescription('ShotSHOT'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByDescription('ShotSHOT', 'en'); for i=1:1:size(found) found(i).toString end max = client.searchMaxEventNumber('0x0000') min = client.searchMinEventNumber('0x0000')
NOTE: You can construct time with a resolution of picosseconds, just add to the example values for millis, micros, nanos and picos
NOTE 2: Date constructors have the months index to 0 (January is 0 and December is 11)
Search events in December 2005:
date_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 1); date_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 31); tstart = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_start); tend = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_end); eventsFound = client.searchEventsByEventTimeWindow(tstart, tend); for i = 1:1:size(eventsFound) eventsFound(i).toString end
Search events in the 22 December 2005 between 5pm and 6pm:
date_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 22); date_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005,11,22); time_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Time", 17, 0, 0); time_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Time", 18, 0, 0); tstart = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_start, time_start); tend = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_end, time_end); eventsFound = client.searchEventsByEventTimeWindow(tstart, tend); for i = 1:1:size(eventsFound) eventsFound(i).toString end
parametersFound = client.searchParametersByName('DENS'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByName('DENS', 'pt'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByUniqueID('DENS'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByDescription('current'); for i = 1:1:size(parametersFound) parametersFound(i).toString end
This function returns the parameters unique identifiers where the data isn’t null for the selected event:
dataFound = client.searchDataByEvent('0x0000', 17898); for i = 1:1:size(dataFound) dataFound (i) end
NOTE: The unique identifiers are CASE-SENSITIVE
The returned data structure gives you information about:
Data for only one parameter
dataStructArray=client.getData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY','0x0000', 17898) dataStruct=dataStructArray(1); dens=dataStruct.getData; for i=1:length(dens) density(i)=dens(i); end tstart = dataStruct.getTStart; tend = dataStruct.getTEnd;
Calculate the time between samples
tbs= (tend.getTimeInMicros - tstart.getTimeInMicros)/length(density);
Get the events associated with this data
events = dataStruct.getEvents;
The event time (I’m assuming the event I want is at the index 0, but I should check first...)
tevent = events(1).getTimeStamp;
The delay of the start time relative to the event time
delay = tstart.getTimeInMicros - tevent.getTimeInMicros
Finally create the time array
times = delay:tbs:delay+tbs*(length(density)-1);
And plot the data
plot(times, density);
Data for several parameters in the same event
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData({'POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', 'POST.PROCESSED.IPLASMA'},'0x0000', 17898) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for several parameters in different events
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData({'POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', 'POST.PROCESSED.IPLASMA'},{'0x0000','0x0000'}, [17898,17899]) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for the same parameter in different events
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY',{'0x0000','0x0000'}, [17898,17899]) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for the same parameter in different event numbers
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', '0x0000', [17898,17899])
More example code is available on the Octave Code page.
Download the following libraries into a folder of your system:
Apache XML-RPC
Apache Jakarta Commons
Since the server at baco computer uses an older version, if you are planing on accessing it server, you should download this version of SDAS Core Libraries and Client:
SDAS Core Libraries
SDAS Client
If you are using a different server, download these instead:
SDAS Core Libraries
SDAS Client
These example assume that you have saved all the jar files in the folder /home/user/sdas/
javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/SDAS.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/SDASClient.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/commons-codec-1.3.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/xmlrpc-2.0.jar")
Beware that on Windows you must use / instead of the regular \. If you have saved all the jar files in the folder C:\sdas\, for example:
javaaddpath("C:/sdas/SDAS.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/SDASClient.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/commons-codec-1.3.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/xmlrpc-2.0.jar")
client = javaObject("org.sdas.core.client.SDASClient", "baco.ipfn.ist.utl.pt", 8888);
found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('S'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('S'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('SHOT', 'en'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByUniqueID('SHOT', 'en'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByDescription('SHOT'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByDescription('SHOT', 'en'); for i=1:1:size(found) found(i).toString end max = client.searchMaxEventNumber('0x0000') min = client.searchMinEventNumber('0x0000')
NOTE: You can construct time with a resolution of picosseconds, just add to the example values for millis, micros, nanos and picos
NOTE 2: Date constructors have the months index to 0 (January is 0 and December is 11)
Search events in December 2005:
date_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 1); date_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 31); tstart = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_start); tend = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_end); eventsFound = client.searchEventsByEventTimeWindow(tstart, tend); for i = 1:1:size(eventsFound) eventsFound(i).toString end
Search events in the 22 December 2005 between 5pm and 6pm:
date_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 22); date_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005,11,22); time_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Time", 17, 0, 0); time_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Time", 18, 0, 0); tstart = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_start, time_start); tend = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_end, time_end); eventsFound = client.searchEventsByEventTimeWindow(tstart, tend); for i = 1:1:size(eventsFound) eventsFound(i).toString end
parametersFound = client.searchParametersByName('DENS'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByName('DENS', 'pt'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByUniqueID('DENS'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByDescription('current'); for i = 1:1:size(parametersFound) parametersFound(i).toString end
This function returns the parameters unique identifiers where the data isn’t null for the selected event:
dataFound = client.searchDataByEvent('0x0000', 17898); for i = 1:1:size(dataFound) dataFound (i) end
NOTE: The unique identifiers are CASE-SENSITIVE
The returned data structure gives you information about:
Data for only one parameter
dataStructArray=client.getData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY','0x0000', 17898) dataStruct=dataStructArray(1); dens=dataStruct.getData; for i=1:length(dens) density(i)=dens(i); end tstart = dataStruct.getTStart; tend = dataStruct.getTEnd;
Calculate the time between samples
tbs= (tend.getTimeInMicros - tstart.getTimeInMicros)/length(density);
Get the events associated with this data
events = dataStruct.getEvents;
The event time (I’m assuming the event I want is at the index 0, but I should check first...)
tevent = events(1).getTimeStamp;
The delay of the start time relative to the event time
delay = tstart.getTimeInMicros - tevent.getTimeInMicros
Finally create the time array
times = delay:tbs:delay+tbs*(length(density)-1);
And plot the data
plot(times, density);
Data for several parameters in the same event
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData({'POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', 'POST.PROCESSED.IPLASMA'},'0x0000', 17898) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for several parameters in different events
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData({'POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', 'POST.PROCESSED.IPLASMA'},{'0x0000','0x0000'}, [17898,17899]) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for the same parameter in different events
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY',{'0x0000','0x0000'}, [17898,17899]) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for the same parameter in different event numbers
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', '0x0000', [17898,17899])
More example code is available on the Octave Code page.
Download the following libraries into a folder of your system:
Apache XML-RPC
Apache Jakarta Commons
Since the server at baco computer uses an older version, if you are planing on accessing it server, you should download this version of SDAS Core Libraries and Client:
SDAS Core Libraries
SDAS Client
If you are using a different server, download these instead:
SDAS Core Libraries
SDAS Client
These example assume that you have saved all the jar files in the folder /home/user/sdas/
javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/SDAS.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/SDASClient.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/commons-codec-1.3.jar") javaaddpath("/home/user/sdas/xmlrpc-2.0.jar")
Beware that on Windows you must use / instead of the regular \. If you have saved all the jar files in the folder C:\sdas\, for example:
javaaddpath("C:/sdas/SDAS.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/SDASClient.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/commons-codec-1.3.jar") javaaddpath("C:/sdas/xmlrpc-2.0.jar")
client = javaObject("org.sdas.core.client.SDASClient", "baco.ipfn.ist.utl.pt", 8888);
found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('S'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('SHOT'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByName('SHOT', 'en'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByUniqueID('0x0000'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByDescription('Shot'); found = client.searchDeclaredEventsByDescription('Shot', 'en'); for i=1:1:size(found) found(i).toString end max = client.searchMaxEventNumber('0x0000') min = client.searchMinEventNumber('0x0000')
NOTE: You can construct time with a resolution of picosseconds, just add to the example values for millis, micros, nanos and picos
NOTE 2: Date constructors have the months index to 0 (January is 0 and December is 11)
Search events in December 2005:
date_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 1); date_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 31); tstart = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_start); tend = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_end); eventsFound = client.searchEventsByEventTimeWindow(tstart, tend); for i = 1:1:size(eventsFound) eventsFound(i).toString end
Search events in the 22 December 2005 between 5pm and 6pm:
date_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005, 11, 22); date_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Date", 2005,11,22); time_start = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Time", 17, 0, 0); time_end = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.Time", 18, 0, 0); tstart = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_start, time_start); tend = javaObject("org.sdas.core.time.TimeStamp", date_end, time_end); eventsFound = client.searchEventsByEventTimeWindow(tstart, tend); for i = 1:1:size(eventsFound) eventsFound(i).toString end
parametersFound = client.searchParametersByName('DENS'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByName('DENS', 'pt'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByUniqueID('DENS'); parametersFound = client.searchParametersByDescription('current'); for i = 1:1:size(parametersFound) parametersFound(i).toString end
This function returns the parameters unique identifiers where the data isn’t null for the selected event:
dataFound = client.searchDataByEvent('0x0000', 17898); for i = 1:1:size(dataFound) dataFound (i) end
NOTE: The unique identifiers are CASE-SENSITIVE
The returned data structure gives you information about:
Data for only one parameter
dataStructArray=client.getData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY','0x0000', 17898) dataStruct=dataStructArray(1); dens=dataStruct.getData; for i=1:length(dens) density(i)=dens(i); end tstart = dataStruct.getTStart; tend = dataStruct.getTEnd;
Calculate the time between samples
tbs= (tend.getTimeInMicros - tstart.getTimeInMicros)/length(density);
Get the events associated with this data
events = dataStruct.getEvents;
The event time (I’m assuming the event I want is at the index 0, but I should check first...)
tevent = events(1).getTimeStamp;
The delay of the start time relative to the event time
delay = tstart.getTimeInMicros - tevent.getTimeInMicros
Finally create the time array
times = delay:tbs:delay+tbs*(length(density)-1);
And plot the data
plot(times, density);
Data for several parameters in the same event
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData({'POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', 'POST.PROCESSED.IPLASMA'},'0x0000', 17898) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for several parameters in different events
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData({'POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', 'POST.PROCESSED.IPLASMA'},{'0x0000','0x0000'}, [17898,17899]) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for the same parameter in different events
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY',{'0x0000','0x0000'}, [17898,17899]) dataStructDens=dataStruct(1,1); dataStructIP=dataStruct(2,1); dens=dataStructDens.getData(); ip=dataStructIP.getData();
Data for the same parameter in different event numbers
dataStruct=client.getMultipleData('POST.PROCESSED.DENSITY', '0x0000', [17898,17899])
More example code is available on the Octave Code page.