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    Task Leader: António Batista

    –The ATCA ADC module as defined in ITER_D_3ZH94Vwill be PICMG® 3.0/3.4 compliant and designed for high availability and reliability with easy hot-plug (connectivity on a passive RTM)
    –The software support of the ATCA ADC product will be independent of MARTe
    •In early phase, 2 x ATCA ADC modules will be shipped to CODAC onsite


    1.1. Hardware

    1.1.1. Boards delivery............................... T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype + RTM modified)
                                                                              T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR + RTM final versions)
    1.1.2. Board test..................................... T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                              T0 + 30 weeks (ITER debuging end)

    1.2. Firmware

    1.2.5. Firmware delivery............................ T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                              T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR final version)

    1.3. Software

    1.3.1. Linux Driver delivery........................ T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                              T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR final version)
    1.3.2. EPICS Device Driver delivery .............. T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                              T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR final version)
    1.3.3. Linux RPM Packaging delivery............. T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                              T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR final version)
    1.3.4. Test software delivery...................... T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                              T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR final version)
    1.3.5. IPMC.............................................T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                              T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR final version)

    1.4. Documentation

    1.4.1. Engineering Design document............. T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
    1.4.2. Installation and User Manuals...............T0 + 12 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR prototype)
                                                                               T0 + 32 weeks (ATCA-IO-PROCESSOR final version)
    1.4.3. Test Plan.........................................T0 + 5 weeks
    1.4.4. ICD................................................T0 + 5 weeks (not delivered)
    1.4.5. Production plan (unit cost estimation)....T0 + 5 weeks

    1.5. Support

    1.5.1. Whenever requested
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    Verificar se são necessários DACs
    Posted 03:09, 23 Nov 2011
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